Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

  • Management of the German ATLAS cloud

    T.Harenberg (ATLAS German Cloud Support) et al.

    Contribution to 2010 Conference for Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Taipeh, Taiwan

  • Job Centric Monitoring for ATLAS jobs in the LHC Computing Grid

    Tim München et al.

    XII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, Erice/Italy, 04.11.2008 / download

  • User-Centric Monitoring and Steering of the Execution of Large Job Sets

    Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Torsten Harenberg, Daniel Lorenz

    Contribution to the German e-Science Conference (GES) 2007 in Baden-Baden / download

  • Monitoring of Jobs and their Execution for the LHC Computing Grid

    Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Reinhard Neumann, Ahmad Hammad, Torsten Harenberg, Matthias Hüsken, Peter Mättig, Markus Mechtel, David Meder-Marouelli, Stefan Borovac, Peer Ueberholz

    Proceedings of the Cracow Grid Workshop 2006 / download

  • Ensuring Numerical Quality in Grid Computing

    Matthias Hüsken

    12th GAMM - IMACS International Symposion on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics, Duisburg, 26 - 29 September 2006

  • Ensuring numerical quality in grid computing

    Andreas Frommer, Matthias Hüsken

    Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing June 19-23 2006 Paris

  • AMANDA - first running experiment to use GRID in production

    T. Harenberg, K. H. Becker, W. Rhode, C. Schmitt

    Contribution to 2003 Conference for Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, La Jolla, California / download

  • A Job Monitoring System for the LCG Computing Grid

    A. Hammad, T. Harenberg, D. Igdalov, P. Mättig, D. Meder-Marouelli, P. Ueberholz

    in Proceedings of the 2006 20th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS) / download

  • DØ data reprocessing within EDG/LCG

    K. Bos, R. Byrom, S. Fisher, D. Groep, T. Harenberg, W. van Leeuwen, P. Mättig, J. Templon

    Contribution to 2004 Conference for Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Interlaken, Switzerland / download

  • The SAM-Grid / LCG Interoperability System: a bridge between two grids

    A. Baranovski, G. Garzoglio, T. Harenberg, T. Kurca, P.Mhashilkar, A. Rajendra, S. Reddy, F. Villeneuve-Séguier

    Contribution to 2006 Conference for Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Mumbai, India / download

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 27.05.2013